Stop it now - protecting children from child abuse

Stop it now – protecting children from child abuse

Stop it now - protecting children from child abuseThe Hindu Council is proud to be supporting a major campaign that aims to tackle child sexual abuse by reducing the amount of sexual images of children that are viewed and shared online.

Launched in October last year, the Stop it Now! campaign is being run by The Lucy Faithfull Foundation, the only UK-wide child protection charity dedicated solely to preventing children from being sexually abused.

What’s the problem?

The campaign is urgently needed: latest estimates are that 50,000 people across the UK used regular file-sharing sites to download or share sexual images of children in 2013 alone. And when you factor in the dark web where much of this illegal activity occurs, the real number of people involved in looking at and sharing child sex abuse images is certain to be far higher.

The campaign has come up with hard-hitting, clear messages designed to get people to stop, including:

  • When it comes to sexual images of children, there are no grey areas – viewing or sharing a sexual image of anyone under 18 is illegal
  • The consequences for those who continue can be devastating and may include: loss of job, family break-up, arrest, imprisonment and becoming a registered sex offender.
  • This isn’t a victimless crime – the children in the pictures are real children who experience real and lasting harm as a result.

There is help to stop.


Stop it now - protecting children from child abuse

If you need help

If you are worried about your online behaviour, or if you have concerns about the online behaviour of a friend, loved one or relative, you can:


Sanjay Jagatia
Director/Secretary General
Hindu Council UK
Twitter: @hinducounciluk