Aborting the Goddess: India’s Shame

Aborting the Goddess: India’s Shame

Aborting the Goddess: India’s ShameWhere are the Voices of Leadership?

From ancient times India has been worshipped as Mata Bharat or Mother India. The country’s very soil is therefore not just motherland but the mother goddess herself. Which makes the now notorious brutal rape and murder of the 23 year old female medical student all the more poignant. Stripped of her clothes, dignity and very essence of humanity the young lady became just another fatality in her use as a faceless tool for the sexual frustration and warped machismo of others.

The issue goes much deeper than just this or the thousands of other rapes that are occurring in India like an epidemic. It makes it all the more poignant that India is where women have been historically honoured. Shakti, the feminine force of energy, is essential to Hindu philosophy. No meek or submissive force Shakti is honoured as the mother goddess Durga who sits on a tiger armed in all ten of her arms to slay evil and ensure victory of righteousness expressed in earthly terms through Jijabai the mother of Hindu warrior King Shivaji or through female military leaders such as Rani of Jhansi who fought alongside their menfolk. Yet what is the stark reality in India today? Not just rape but a whole plethora of abominations and abuses which target females as an inferior species.

Full article can be read on Hindu Human Rights website written by Ranbir Singh