In this year of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, we recall the ancient custom of the Jubilee Year, in which debts would be cancelled.
The Hebrew scriptures speak of a Jubilee Year in which unpayable debts should be cancelled. The Gospel writer, Luke, records that Jesus began his public ministry with a call to restore the just economy of Jubilee where all have enough. Jesus also tells those who have assets, to lend without expecting a return. The Holy Qur’an condemns usury and requires zakah (almsgiving) as an essential duty to prevent wealth being accumulated only among the rich.
The Dharmic faiths from the Indian sub-continent also teach the same principle. In the Anguttara Nikaya, Buddhists read, ‘One holds wealth not for oneself but for all beings.’ Sikhs believe in earning ethically, being benevolent and they pray for the common good of all. Mahatma Gandhi, from his Hindu roots, famously said, ‘Earth provides enough to satisfy everyone’s need but not enough for everyone’s greed.’
In recent times, the idea of Jubilee has been applied to the need to cancel the unfair debts of many ‘Third World’ countries. This does not represent charity towards the impoverished but a call for justice: to reform the basis of the global economy and renew relationships between high and low income countries. This call for Jubilee since the 1990’s has led to the cancellation of $120 billion of debt (£80 billion), bringing education and healthcare to many millions of people.
Despite these achievements, over the last thirty years there has been a series of debt crises culminating in the present one in Europe. A self-serving financial system has brought the global economy to its knees and we are now seeing the poorest people in our own society and around the world paying the price for this excess.
That is why we ask people everywhere to join in calling for a renewed Jubilee. Finance must be put back in its place as a means to human well being. We need far reaching changes in the global economy to build a society based on justice, mutual support and community. We need economic and political as well as spiritual renewal in our society. We applaud the efforts of citizens across Europe and the world to engage in democratic audits of their national debts as a first step towards reclaiming public control of national finances. We call on people in the UK to unite in support of this vision of Jubilee, and to make this cause a lasting legacy of 2012.
A Jubilee for Justice in 2012 would mean:
- Cancelling the unjust debts of the most indebted nations
- Promoting just and progressive taxation rather than excessive borrowing
- Stopping harmful lending which forces countries into debt
- Bishop Doye Agama, Apostolic Pastoral Association, St John’s Rectory, Moston
- Rukmami Agarwal, Committee Member, Arya Samaj
- Nasreen Akhtar, Islamic Awareness Week Co-ordinator, Islamic Society of Britain
- Bishop Dr Joe Aldred, Executive Secretary, Minority Ethnic Christian Affairs, Churches Together in England
- Rev Christopher Aldridge, Retired Priest, Birmingham
- Rev David Alford, Methodist Minister
- Rev Bill Anderson, Chair, Birmingham Methodist District
- Rt Rev Geoff Annas, Bishop of Stafford
- Gyanesh Arya, International Preacher, Arya Samaj
- Fr Nigel Asbridge, Priest Missioner, St Mary with St John, Upper Edmonton
- Rev M. A. Ashby, Minister, Durrington Community Center Church
- Rev Richard Atkinson, Bishop of Bedford
- Rev Vicki Atkinson, Minister, Birmingham Methodist Circuit
- Rt Rev Nick Baines, Bishop of Bradford
- G Bamford, Deacon, Methodist Church, Redditch
- Rev Warren Bardsley, Methodist Minister
- Jonathan Bartley, Director, Ekklesia
- Rev Peter Bates, Superintendent Birmingham Circuit, Methodist Church
- Lotifa Begum, Development Education Coordinator, Islamic Relief
- Rev Goh Peng Beh, Minister, Chinese Methodist Church
- Rt Rev James Bell, Bishop of Knaresborough
- Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh, Chairman, Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha
- Anil Bhanot OBE, Managing Director, Hindu Council UK
- Jatinder Singh Birdi, Warwick District Faiths Forum
- Mark Bitel, Clerk, Edinburgh Central Quaker meeting
- Rt Rev Richard Blackburn, Bishop of Warrington
- Rev Victoria Bravette, Minister, Birmingham Methodist Circuit
- Gerald P.S. Breen, Parish Priest, St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham
- Rev Gwynne Brindley, Minister, Methodist Church
- Rt Revd Pete Broadbent, Bishop of Willesden
- Richard Bromley, Reverend
- Rev Brian Brown, Minister, Methodist Church
- Patrick Browne, Parish Priest
- Robert Bryce, Deacon, Baptist Church
- Rt Rev Christopher Budd, Bishop of Plymouth
- Sarah Bullock, Rector, St James’ Moss Side and St Edmund Whalley Range
- Elizabeth Burroughs, Local Preacher, Methodist Church
- Rt Rev Peter Burrows, Bishop of Doncaster
- Hugh Burton, Team Rector, Church of England
- Rt Rev Paul Butler, Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham
- Julian Booth, Parish Priest
- Rev Andrew J Brazier, University Chaplain
- Vibha Cale, President, Arya Samaj West Midlands
- Rev A. P. Camper, Unitarian Minister
- Philip Carlin, Minister, St John’s Hurst
- Colin Cartwright, Minister, Trinity Baptist Church, Chesham
- Rev C A Chaplin, Minister, Methodist Church
- Krishan Chopra, Trustee, Arya Samaj West Midlands
- Rev Richard Church, Synod Moderator, North Western Synod, United Reformed Church
- Rev John Churcher, Minister, Methodist Church
- Ray Collier, Priest, St Catherine of Siena, Birmingham
- Christopher J. Collins, Student Presbyter, Methodist Church
- Rt Rev Stephen Conway, Bishop of Ely
- Paul Cornelius, CEO, Food for the Hungry UK
- Linda Craig, Clerk, Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, Birmingham
- Matthew Creber, SPEAK Network
- Rt Revd Steven Croft, Bishop of Sheffield
- Pastor Peter Cunningham, Chairman, Green Pastures
- Moses Dakunivosa, Steward, Methodist Church
- Canon Peter Davies, Lay Canon of Chapter, Worcester Cathedral
- Rev Stuart Davison, Regional Minister, South Eastern Baptist Association
- Rev Andrew Dawson, Priest-in-charge, Oldham Werneth
- Gillian Day, Local Preacher, Water Orton Methodist Church
- Revd David Dean, Churches Training Officer, St Philip’s Centre, Leicester
- Malcolm Deboo, President, Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe
- Rev Philip Deller, Minister, Baptist Church
- Christopher Densham, Lead Minister, Dereham Baptist Church
- Sue Dilworth, Reader, St Mary’s Temple Balsall
- Clare Downing, Synod Moderator, Wessex Synod, United Reformed Church
- Rt Rev Peter Doyle, Bishop of Northampton
- Rt Rev Terry Drainey, Bishop of Middlesbrough
- Rev Edson Dube, Methodist Minister
- Kevin Duffy, Local Preacher, Methodist Church
- Donald Eadie, Former Chairman, Birmingham Methodist District
- J. Edmond-Smith, Chair, UK Network of Engaged Buddhists
- Rt Rev Chris Edmondson, Bishop of Bolton
- Joel Edwards, Director, Micah Challenge International
- Fr Stephen Edwards, Rector, St Agnes’ Birch in Rusholme
- Dr Omer El-Hamdoon, President, Muslim Association of Britain
- David Emmott, Retired Priest
- Egenonu Erasmus, Parish Priest, St Philip, Smethwick
- Rev James Fasakin, Clergy
- Dr Marius Felderhof, Hon Research Fellow, Theology and Religion, University of Birmingham
- Pete Fishpool, on behalf of Quaker Local Business Meeting, Cotteridge, Birmingham
- Fr Jim Fleming, Priest, St Catherine’s, Birmingham
- Rev Barbara Fletcher, Priest, Birmingham
- Rt Rev Colin Fletcher, Bishop of Dorchester
- Colin Foreman, Minister, The United Reformed Church
- Sheila Foreman, Assistant Chair, South East District, Methodist Church
- Cassius Francis, WKFM coordinator, Mosley Wesleyan Holiness Church
- Rt Rev Richard Frith, Bishop of Hull
- Revd Ray Gaston, Tutor, Queen’s Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education
- Alison Geary, Supernumerary Methodist Minister
- Nicola Grey, Ordinand in training, Anglican Church
- Simon Grey, Clerk, Edgbaston Quaker Meeting
- Rev Michael John Grimsley, Methodist Minister, Leamington Spa
- Peter M Grimwood, Methodist Presbyter
- Peter Hall, Hon Assistant Bishop of Birmingham
- Joyce Hallam, Local Preacher, Methodist Church
- Rt Rev David Hamid, Bishop in Europe
- Revd Ian P Hamilton, Member of Superintendency Team, Manchester Methodist Circuit
- Canon Nigel Hand, Birmingham Cathedral
- Rev David Haslam, Convenor, Methodist Tax Justice Network
- Dorothy Haughton, Unitarian Service Leader
- Rev John Hayes, Minister, Methodist Circuit (Huddersfield)
- Brian Haymes, Baptist Minister
- Margaret Healey Pollett, All Saints Kings Heath Social Justice Action Group
- Rev Graham Hellier, Minister, Church of Scotland
- John Hellyer, Chair, South-East District, Methodist Church
- Malcolm Hickox, Minister, Methodist Church (Salisbury)
- Rt Rev Christopher Hill, Bishop of Guildford
- Rt Rev Mike Hill, Bishop of Bristol
- Symon Hill, Associate Director, Ekklesia
- Paul Hills, Regional Minister, Eastern Baptist Association
- Rt Rev John Holbrook, Bishop of Brixworth
- Rev Caroline Homan, Minister, Birmingham Methodist Circuit
- Fleur Houston, Minister, United Reformed Church
- Walter Houston, Honorary Fellow, University of Manchester, Department of Religion and Theology
- Rev John Howard, Chair, Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District, Methodist Church
- John Hughes, Priest-in-charge, St John’s Old Trafford
- John M. Hull, Professor of Practical Theology, The Queen’s Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education
- Rev Jennifer Hurd, Presbyteral Minister, Methodist Church
- Rev Jenny Impey, Chair, London District, Methodist Church
- D. Innamorati, Parish Priest
- Rabbi Margaret Jacobi, Rabbi, Birmingham Progressive Synagogue
- Revd Dr Michael Jagessar, Moderator of the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church
- Arvinder Jain, President, International Mahavir Jain Mission
- Rt Rev Martyn Jarrett, Bishop of Beverley
- Helen Jobling, Minister, Lozells Methodist Church Centre
- John Johansen-Berg, Founder and International Director, Community for Reconciliation
- Rev Neil Johnson, Superintendent minister, Birmingham Methodist Circuit
- William Johnston, Priest, Church of England, Midhurst
- Rev Gareth Jones, Methodist Chaplain, University of Birmingham
- The Revd Dr Keith G Jones, Rector, International Baptist Theological Seminary
- Peter Jones, Parish Priest, Sacred Heart, Birmingham
- Stewart Jones, Rector, St Martin in the Bull Ring, Birmingham
- Rev Dr Stuart Jordan, Chair, London District, Methodist Church
- Peter Kemp, Justice and Peace, St John’s Cathedral
- Rt Rev William Kenney, Bishop of Birmingham
- Rev Stephen Keyworth, Head of Faith and Unity, Baptist Union of Great Britain
- Rev Peter Killick, Retired Minister
- Rev Michael King, Vice-President of the Methodist Conference
- Rev Marcin Kordel, Parish Priest
- Ravi Ladva, Representative, Birmingham Council of Faiths
- Prem Lal, Vice-Chair, Wolverhampton Inter-Faith and Regeneration Network
- Rt Rev Michael Langrish, Bishop of Exeter
- Rev Chris Lane, Senior Pastor, Vineyard Church St Albans
- Rev Nick Lear, Senior Minister, Colchester Baptist Church
- Jayne Lee, Priest, Church of England
- Rev Dr Kenneth Leech, Retired Priest
- Gerard Lennon, Priest, Birmingham
- Rev Art Lester, Unitarian Minister, Croydon
- Rev Stephen Levett, Methodist Minister, Bromsgrove and Redditch
- Rt Rev Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham
- Alisdair Longwill, Regional Minister, West of England Baptist Association
- Ashley Lovett, Minister, Baptist Church
- Rev Roy Lowes, Moderator, West Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church
- Revd Dr Andrew MacIntosh, Fellow and Emeritus Dean, St John’s College Cambridge
- Rev A. Malcolm, Minister, Birmingham Methodist Circuit
- Gajan Malholtra, Committee Member, Arya Samaj
- Imran Malik, Methodist Student minister
- John P. Mall, Minister, Baptist Church
- Colin Marsh, Birmingham Churches Together
- Rt Rev Peter Maurice, Bishop of Taunton
- Rt Rev Christopher John Mayfield, Former Bishop of Manchester
- Vidhu Mayor, President, Arya Samaj
- Derek McAuley, Chief Officer, General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
- Roger Medley, Canon, Diocesan Missioner
- Peter Merson, Chairman, Jubilee Debt Campaign Multifaith Project
- Steve Miller, Chair, Tzedek – Jewish Action for a Just World
- Craig Millward, Pastor, Baptist Church
- Rev Ros Murphy, Retired Methodist Minister
- Gerald Nembhard, Chair, West Midlands Faith Forum
- Rt Rev Adrian Newman, Bishop of Stepney
- Rev John Nightingale, Canon Emeritus
- Con O’Connell, Cordate Community
- Rev Catherine Ogle, Dean, Birmingham
- Rev L Osborn, Chair, Newcastle-upon-Tyne District of the Methodist Church
- Rev Stuart Owen, Vicar, All Saints Edmonton
- Crispin Pailing, Vicar, St John’s, Perry Barr
- Rowena Pailing, Priest-in-charge, St Michael Handsworth
- Jonathan Pain, Treasurer, St. Gabriel’s Church, Basingstoke
- Paul Parker, Recording Clerk, Quakers in Britain
- John I Parkin, Reader, All Saints Kings Heath
- Rev Robert Parkinson, Minister, Didsbury Baptist Church
- Rt Rev Robert Paterson, Bishop of Sodor and Man
- Rev John E. Paxton, Mission Development Officer, Diocese of Worcester
- Rt Rev Geoff Pearson, Bishop of Lancaster
- Rev Dr Ann Peart, former president, General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
- Gillian Peel, Unitarian Minister, Rochdale
- Rev Michael Perry, Rector, Cam Vale Benefice, Somerset
- Enid Pinch, Quaker
- Andrew Piggott, Archdeacon of Bath
- Rev Pete Pillinger, Chair, Plymouth and Exeter District, Methodist Church
- Stephen Pimlott, Pastor
- George Pitcher, Priest, Church of England
- Rt Rev Stephen Platten, Bishop of Wakefield
- Canon Denise Poole, Chaplain, Bradford
- Rt Rev Tony Porter, Bishop of Sherwood
- Rev Eric Potts, Minister, Methodist Church
- Revd Gillian Poucher, Gainsborough United Reformed Church
- Bob Pounder, Minister, Oldham Unitarian Chapel
- Colin Arthur Powell, Clerk in Holy Orders (Retired), Church of England
- Rt Rev Peter Price, Bishop of Bath and Wells
- David Primrose, Director of Transforming Communities, Lichfield
- Don Pritchard, Deacon
- Rev James Pritchard, Methodist Minister and Chaplain, Aston University
- Alan Race, Rector, St Margaret’s, Lee
- James Ramsay, Vicar, St. Barnabas Church
- Stephen Rand, Leadership Team, Fresh Streams
- Rt Rev John Rawsthorne, Bishop of Hallam
- Rt Rev Alastair Redfern, Bishop of Derby
- Ben Rich, Chief Executive, Movement for Reform Judaism
- Rev Alison Richards, Methodist Minister, Malvern
- Gillian Roberts, Lay leader, St Michael’s and All Angels, Stockton
- Rev Maud Robinson, Unitarian Minister, Edinburgh
- Rt Rev Tony Robinson, Bishop of Pontefract
- Anne Roussel, Methodist Local Preacher
- Professor Christopher Rowland, Queen’s College, University of Oxford
- Mark Rowland, Minister, Methodist Church
- Rev E.C. Russell, Methodist Minister
- Rev Peter Russell, Minister, Methodist Church
- Rev Donald Sampson, Supernumerary, Birmingham Methodist Circuit
- Denys Saunders, Retired Minister, Methodist Church
- John Scrivens, Minister, Methodist Church (Fordingbridge)
- Anne Sear, Reader, St Peter’s Church, Somerset
- Moqapi Selassie, Vice-President, Ethiopian World Federation
- Israel Selvanayagam, Professor of Religions
- Andrew Shanks, Canon Theologian, Manchester Cathedral
- Rev G Howard Sharp, Moderator, Mersey Synod of the United Reformed Church
- Rev Peter Sheasby
- Amrick Singh, Director, Nishkam Centre
- Pall Singh, Community Development Worker, Lozells Project
- Rt Rev Alan Smith, Bishop of St Albans
- Deacon Janet Smith, Birmingham Methodist Circuit
- Mt Rev Peter Smith, Archbishop of Southwark
- Rev Emma Sykes, Associate Rector, St Martin in the Bull Ring, Birmingham
- Martin Taylor, Chaplain
- Michael H. Taylor, Emeritus Professor of Social Theology, University of Birmingham
- Rev Roger Taylor, Minister, Brightlingsea Baptist Church
- David T Thomas, Anglican Priest
- Rev Graham Thompson, Chair, East Anglia District, Methodist Church
- Revd John Thompson, Retired Baptist Minister
- Rt Rev Tim Thornton, Bishop of Truro
- Shirley Torrens, Clerk, Stoke-on-Trent Quaker Meeting
- Rev Dr Simon Topping, ISR – Churches for Work and Social Justice
- Rev Edward Turner, Vicar, St Aldhelm’s Church, London
- Dr Kiran Vaja, Birmingham Council of Faiths
- Mark Van Beeumen, Priest
- Rev Canon Peter Vowles, Retired Clerk in Holy Orders
- Manu Vyas, Chairman, Walsall Multi-Faith Forum
- Francis Wainaina, Vicar, St Andrew’s Church, Starbeck
- Rt Rev David Walker, Bishop of Dudley
- Rt Rev Martin Wallace, Bishop of Selby
- Amy Walters, Minister, Methodist Church
- David Warbrick, Priest-in-charge, All Saints Kings Heath
- Rev Judith M Ware, Rector, St Matthew with St Mary, Crumpsall
- Rt Rev Andrew Watson, Bishop of Aston
- Kevin Watson, Moderator, Yorkshire Synod of the United Reformed Church
- Rev Martin and Penny Wells, Catholic clergyman and wife
- Rt Rev Peter Wheatley, Bishop of Edmonton
- Canon John and Mrs Jean Wheatley Price, Retired clergyman and wife
- John White, Team Vicar, Kings Norton Birmingham
- Priscilla White, Vicar, St Faith and St Laurence
- Rev John Wilkinson, Priest, Birmingham
- Stuart Murray Williams, Chair, Anabaptist Network
- Mark Willott, Community Group leader, Riverside Church
- Rev Jane M Wilson, Minister, South West Worcestershire Methodist Circuit
- Rev Dr Simon Woodman, Minister, Bloomsbury Baptist Church
- Sue Woolley, Unitarian minister
- Rev Canon Martin Wright, Clergyman
- Umesh Yador, Minister of Religion, Arya Samaj West Midlands
- Rev Michaela Youngson, Chair, London District, Methodist Church
- A. Zwart, Cordate Community