FAO: Trustees and Executives of Hindu Temples and Organisations
The Law Commission is currently consulting on changes to the law on burial and cremation. Please see here for a link to the consultation paper, a summary of key proposals, and the online platform for responses: Burial and Cremation – Law Commission. The deadline for responses is 9 January 2025.
In relation to cremation, key questions or provisional proposals include:
• A question on whether the rules about where crematoria can be sited should be repealed or retained;
• Proposals for dealing with ashes which are not collected from funeral directors’ premises; and
• Proposals around cremation and unidentified bodies.
The Commission is particularly eager to hear from stakeholders within the Hindu community in order to have responses from a diverse range of perspectives.
We shall be obliged if you could write directly to:
Krishna Bhan
Hindu Council UK