The Hindu Lawyers Association would like to invite you to an evening of yoga, meditation and well-being on 14 July 2015 at Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3TA.
We appreciate that many city professionals adopt a fast-paced lifestyle with little opportunity to focus on their own well-being. This interactive workshop has been organised to allow you to develop yoga and meditation techniques to take back to your office desk and re-energise.
The yoga workshop will take place between 6:30pm and 7:30pm and will be followed by an herbal tea tasting session and networking at BPP Law School Holborn.
The cost of the event is £5 which includes a yoga mat and well-being guide to take away and practise at your own leisure.
Please see the attached poster for further details. In the event of adverse weather conditions, the yoga workshop will be moved indoors. We will provide details of any alternative arrangements nearer to the date of the event.
No previous experience of yoga is required and the event is open to members of all faiths.
If you are interested in attending, please click on the below link: