Academic Research: Faith and Coping

Academic Research: Faith and Coping

Academic Research: Faith and CopingThe Hindu Council UK have been contacted by the “Evolutionary and Biological Approaches to Behaviour Research Group” to circulate this information to any individuals who may be interested in helping them.

We are looking for participants to help us in a study that asks whether having a religious belief system affects how you cope with distressing events. We need individuals to take part who consider themselves to hold religious and non-religious beliefs. We welcome participation from all religious denominations and all levels of engagement with religious practice as well as from those who have alternative (non-religious) belief systems or no acknowledged belief system at all.

The study is short requiring you to complete an on-line questionnaire about your religious beliefs and report how you would cope with potentially stressful events. To find out more and participate, please visit our blog (web address below). Alternatively, contact either the researcher Dr. Clare Cunningham by email or by phone +44 1382 308283, or her research assistant Gislene Rodriguez by email for more information of if you would like to know the results of this research.

Gislene Rodriguez
Evolutionary Psychology Lab.
Division of Psychology
School of Social & Health Sciences
University of Abertay
Dundee, Scotland