The Hindu Council UK is pleased to announce a unique faith initiativein the City of Coventry as part of the London 2012 Games.
Representatives of Hindu Council UK have been actively involved in:
- Planning and delivering a Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Service in Coventryfor visitors to the Olympics;
- Producing a leaflet which includes welcome messages from the mainfaiths in the City together with lists of Places of Worship where visitors could visit during their stay in Coventry;
- Delivering an inter faith welcome event on Sunday 22nd July 2012 in Broadgate Square at the heart of the City Centre of Coventry called “Welcome to Coventry”
Faith communities in Coventry have been working hard over the last fewmonths to encourage faith community engagement with the 2012 Olympic Games at a community level. Members of Hindu Council together with other faith bodies have met regularly to develop plans on many areasespecially on issues around faith, in order to cater to theobservations of practicing spectators and visitors. In addition, theyhave been busy planning a major event to be held at Broadgate Squareto welcome visitors to the City.
The Event at Broadgate Square will be a time for celebration but alsoa time for reflection. It will highlight the core Olympic values – and a unique opportunity for ALL faiths in Coventry to showcase theirspirit of love and looking after one another. Every Religion andCulture preaches respect and tolerance of each other and loving ourneighbours regardless of colour, class, creed or race. It is therefore important that these values enshrined in all our religious beliefs aredemonstrated for everyone to receive with open arms at the “Welcome toCoventry” Event.
The Welcome to Coventry event will achieve the following aims and objectives:
- To promote the development of those physical and moral qualitiesthat are the basis of sport and general life in Society;
- To educate people (especially the young, disadvantaged communities,and the elderly) through sport in a spirit of better understanding between each other and of friendship, thereby helping to build abetter and more peaceful Society;
- To spread the Olympic principles throughout the communities inCoventry, thereby creating solidarity, goodwill and respect amongsteach other;
- To bring together people of all Religions, Faith and Nationalitiesto celebrate the fact that Coventry has been selected as one of the venues hosting the 2012 Olympic Games.
Perhaps there has never been a more important time than during theOlympic Games for peace and goodwill among all people.
Hindu Council UK believes that this is an extraordinary time forsharing and giving. It is an opportunity for celebration and for renewal of friendship and to show others the generosity, the kindnessof heart and love that is consistent with the message of God in all religions.
Download Welcome to Coventry Booklet
Download Coventry Welcomes The World Poster
Sanjay Jagatia & Muna Chauhan
Faith Communities Engagement and Olympics (Coventry 2012) & Representatives of the Hindu Council UK